The Creative Revision Process of Epilogue

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Revision 1


Revision one features strikethrough markings and some insertion replacements for the deletions.  Creative revision processes are not formulas. Lines and words may be deleted for a variety of reasons and purposes. Revision one of the Epilogue is placed after a revision of the Prologue. 

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Revision 1


Creative revision processes may not be linear.  The second revision of the Epilogue indicates the principle of the ciruclarity of return.  Sans-linearity, circularity allows the creator to return after a while to any page and idea. 

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Revision 3


 Except for the title, the lines and words are marked with strikethroughs. All deletions, the third revision's success depends the viewer's perspective. Strikethroughs could be failures or a resolution to find another solution. A solution to the problem of representing the creator's ideas on the page. 

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Revision 4


After the final Prologue page, the fourth revision of the Epilogue is again marked predominately with strikethroughs. The fourth revision is after .

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Revision five has strikethrough markings and insertions. A word is replaced with the same word. A line is crossed out and a singular word hangs from underneath the overhang. Substantially less strikethroughs mark up revision five than the previous four revisions.

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Like revision five, the sixth has only two lines marked with a strikethrough. Notably, revision six introduces the Merchant of Venice. 

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Again, the seventh revision has substantially less stirkethroughs marked. Also, less of the page is covered with handwritten and handrawn material. 

Epilogue Lyric
The Creative Revision Process of Epilogue