Creative Revision of Prologue Lyric Pages

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Revision 1 


The first prologue page in the manuscript has many deletions. Strikethroughs are among the most prevelent markings. Some words are replaced, bur more common are the stirkethrough markings. The predominance of the strikethrough marking exemplifies the difficulties discussed in the previous (Orgin) page. 

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Revision 2


Like revision 1, revision 2 the strikethrough is the most common marking. Additinoally, squiggly lines have been drawn that seperates the lyric into two. 

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Revision 3


In contrast to the first and second revision, revision three is condensed in lengeth. The previous works have fewer handwritten lines. Likewise, the side annotation differntiates this revision. The lines appear as a paragraph ended by a semicolon that is another marking that distinguishes the third revision from the previous two processes.

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Revision 4


Like revision three, revision four is condensed and the lines end with the semicolon marking. Note that from the first to fourth revision, the insertion and deletion markings have decreased- as has the length. Creative revision processes have reshaped and reformed the look of the handwritten lyric pages. 

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Unlike the previous creative revision process, the final features a cross-hatched line and the rose illustration. The strikethrough marking is predominately absent instead of being the predominently present marking. 

Prologue Lyric
Creative Revision of Prologue Lyric Pages